Moss C

class libcbm.model.moss_c.model_context.ModelContext(inventory: DataFrame, parameters: DataFrame, merch_volume: DataFrame, disturbance_matrices: DataFrame, backend_type: BackendType)
libcbm.model.moss_c.model.f1(merch_vol: float | ndarray, a: float | ndarray, b: float | ndarray) ndarray

Returns Canopy openess, O(t) as a function of Merch. Volume

10^(((a)*(Log(V(t))) + b)

  • merch_vol (float, np.ndarray) – array of merch volumes

  • a (float, np.ndarray) – MossC a parameter

  • b (float, np.ndarray) – MossC b parameter


Canopy openess

Return type:


libcbm.model.moss_c.model.f2(openness: float | ndarray, stand_age: float | ndarray, c: float | ndarray, d: float | ndarray) ndarray

returns Feather moss ground cover, GCfm(t)

(O(t)* c) + d

  • openness (float, np.ndarray) – canopy openness

  • stand_age (int, np.ndarray) – stand age in years

  • c (float, np.ndarray) – MossC c parameter,

  • d (float, np.ndarray) – MossC d parameter


Feather moss ground cover

Return type:


libcbm.model.moss_c.model.f3(openness: float | ndarray, stand_age: float | ndarray, e: float | ndarray, f: float | ndarray) ndarray

returns Sphagnum moss ground cover, GCsp(t)

(O(t)* e) + f

  • openness (float, np.ndarray) – canopy openness

  • stand_age (int, np.ndarray) – stand age in years

  • e (float, np.ndarray) – MossC e parameter,

  • f (float, np.ndarray) – MossC f parameter


Sphagnum moss ground cover

Return type:


libcbm.model.moss_c.model.f4(openness: float | ndarray, g: float | ndarray, h: float | ndarray) ndarray

Feathermoss NPP (assuming 100% ground cover), NPPfm


  • openness (float, np.ndarray) – canopy openness

  • g (float, np.ndarray) – MossC g parameter,

  • h (float, np.ndarray) – MossC h parameter,

libcbm.model.moss_c.model.f5(openness: float | ndarray, i: float | ndarray, j: float | ndarray, _l: float | ndarray) ndarray

Sphagnum NPP (assuming 100% ground cover), NPPsp

i*(O(t)^2) + j*(O(t) + l

  • openness (float, np.ndarray) – canopy openness

  • i (float, np.ndarray) – MossC i parameter,

  • j (float, np.ndarray) – MossC j parameter,

  • _l (float, np.ndarray) – MossC l parameter,


Sphagnum moss NPP

Return type:


libcbm.model.moss_c.model.f6(merch_vol: float | ndarray, m: float | ndarray, n: float | ndarray) ndarray
  • merch_vol (float, np.ndarray) – merchantable volume.

  • m (float, np.ndarray) – MossC m parameter,

  • n (float, np.ndarray) – MossC n parameter,

libcbm.model.moss_c.model.f7(mean_annual_temp: float | ndarray, base_decay_rate: float | ndarray, q10: float | ndarray, t_ref: float | ndarray) ndarray

Applied Decay rate, ak this applies to any of the moss DOM pools feather moss fast (kff), feather moss slow (kfs), sphagnum fast (ksf), and sphagnum slow (kss)

  • mean_annual_temp (float, np.ndarray) – [description]

  • base_decay_rate (float, np.ndarray) – [description]

  • q10 (float, np.ndarray) – [description]

  • t_ref (float, np.ndarray) – [description]

Moss C pools and flux

class libcbm.model.moss_c.pools.Pool(value)

Enumeration of Moss C pools values

Moss C helper methods

libcbm.model.moss_c.model_functions.np_map(a: ndarray, m: dict, dtype: str)

Return the mapped value of a according to the dictionary m. The occurence of any value in a that is not present as a key in m will result in a value error.

  • a (numpy.ndarray) – a numpy array

  • m (dict) – a dictionary to map values in the resulting array

  • dtype (str) – numpy type assigned as type of returned array


the numpy array with replaced mapped values

Return type:
